Search Inside Yourself – developed at Google for Leaders: Enhancing Your Leadership EQ


Search Inside Yourself – developed at Google for Leaders: Enhancing Your Leadership EQ

12.000,00 €

“This is exactly what a MBA does not teach you”

Search Inside Yourself: A Leadership Program for Enhanced Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness

Developed originally at Google, this training program integrates the fields of Emotional Intelligence, Neuroscience, Mindfulness, and Leadership to offer a unique, transformational experience that leads to greater self-awareness, improved communication skills, and overall enhanced personal and professional effectiveness.

Our Search Inside Yourself course is taught by certified teachers with more than 15 years of corporate consulting experience in strategy, communication, and culture. Whether delivered in person over two intensive days, or virtually over three, four, or six sessions, this training is designed to help individuals and teams tap into their inner potential, fostering creativity, resilience, and well-being.

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Course Overview

The program is designed to be highly interactive, emphasizing experiential learning and integrating core components:

  1. Introduction to the neuroscience of emotions, perception, and behavior change.

  2. Defining Emotional Intelligence and understanding its personal and professional benefits.

  3. Training in mindfulness and reflection exercises to promote joy, success, and overall well-being.

  4. Learning principles and practices that foster healthy mental habits, including effective listening, empathy, and communication and social skills.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion, participants will gain:

  1. Improved mental fitness and clarity.

  2. Developed agile and adaptable mindsets.

  3. Reduced stress reactions and increased resilience.

  4. Enhanced self-awareness and emotional regulation.

  5. Refined communication skills and better decision-making abilities.

  6. Enhanced emotional intelligence and overall well-being.

Program Impact

The impact of the Search Inside Yourself training program has been notable. Participants have reported improved leadership skills, increased resilience, and decreased stress levels. Specifically:

  • 89% reported they can reduce their stress levels more effectively.

  • 91% reported more mental clarity.

  • 85% noticed stronger cohesion in their relationships with others.

About the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute

We train leaders to be mindful and emotionally intelligent at work. By merging the latest science with mindfulness practices, Search Inside Yourself equips individuals with the skills to be more effective and happier at work and in their personal lives.

Are you ready to take the next step in your personal and professional development? Empower yourself now with the Search Inside Yourself training program!

Outcomes and impacts of this training:

  1. Boosted team effectiveness and cohesion

  2. Enhanced emotional intelligence and decision-making capabilities

  3. Improved skills for handling difficult conversations and fostering continuous growth

  4. Developed resilience, adaptability, and anti-fragility in leaders and their teams

  5. Cultivation of mindfulness in leadership roles

  6. Mastery of the 'Time to Think' methodology for transformative meetings

  7. Increased productivity in the age of artificial intelligence

  8. Understanding and application of advanced knowledge management tools

  9. Promotion of Inner Development Goals (IDGs), contributing towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  10. Active, mindful, and generous listening techniques applied throughout the course

  11. Personal and professional growth through interactive and reflective exercises

  12. Evidence-based learning grounded in scientific research

Delivery and pricing:

  • On-site and virtually

  • In a 2-day program or in four or six virtual sessions

  • Capstone Webinar

  • 28-day challenge

  • Supervision and extra modules available on decision making, Anti-Fragility, Team Values, Meaning and Purpose for Leaders and Organisations

Klaus Motoki Tonn

Founder and course designer. Born ‘73, more than 22 years of industry experience from M&A, strategy, corporate communications and large projects. Serial Entrepreneur and Mentor, certified Search Inside Yourself (developed at Google) and Time To Think facilicator.

Dr. Nina Bürklin

Dr. Bürklin is a logotherapist as well as an expert in meaning-centred therapy and organisational counselling. As a graduate in business administration and a practising therapist, she pursues two goals: Helping companies to achieve economic success and at the same time supporting people to increase well-being and awaken more meaning in their lives.


Category Feedback
Future Planning
  • "Thank you for tonight, it was a moment of self-reflection I've been needing for a long time."
  • "The workshop totally changed my state of mind, motivated and inspired me. It was amazing!"
  • "A very open, respectful and confidential exchange on topics that are often forgotten in 'classic' learning. Especially the continuous and practice-oriented integration of various exercises was helpful."
  • "The honest confrontation with internal blocks and the openness of all participants was remarkable."
Feedback for Trainers
  • "He shows with his personality what he teaches."
  • "Motoki speaks thoughtfully - a lived, modest wisdom."
  • "His calming voice and demeanor were very helpful during the meditation sessions."
  • "Motoki's voice was like a warm embrace. His choice of words was really inviting and pleasant."
Inclusion "We are committed to ensuring that our work is accessible to people of all backgrounds and that we respect and support diversity and inclusion."
  • "The beauty of teaching was in the combination of the two teachers."
  • "I was very impressed with the collaboration between Motoki and the co-coach."
General Remarks
  • "Our trainers did a fantastic job setting the mood and the mindset for the course."
  • "I dealt with various emotions during the SIY course and therefore learned so much about meditation and micro-practice."
  • "The realization that consciousness has nothing to do with 'finding easy answers' was very important to me."
  • "The Search Inside Yourself weekend was like an island in the midst of the turbulent sea. Dock, refuel and equip the ship with new features that let it navigate calmer and more stable."
  • "I've learned to pay more mindful attention to my heart. To distance myself from all the anger that unnecessarily enrages it. I gained a new appreciation for my body. Calming down helps me listen to my inner life."